Andres S.

Andres S. FINAL DAY!

Tourney round: Andres S.: The Tournament: S - Spoilage

<< E - Epoch | S - Sesquipedalian >>

Notes from the organizer: After a long time of nostalgia, here's the top 8:

1. Dave Robjohns - 673
2. Thomas Carey - 653
3. Elliott Mellor - 644
4. Bradley Horrocks - 644
5. Hazel Drury - 643
6. Tom Cappleman - 643
7. Callum Todd - 622
8. Cillian McM - 620

An extension of lead is all that's happening but we do have some lovely ties a-happening here between Ell and Brad & Hazel and T-Cap. Let's see if they can be broken with some S... for Spoilage!

No, I'm not sorry.

Here's the link to the current standings:

Ran from: 26 July – 12 August 2022. Format: Spoilage 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 30. Completed: 23.

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