Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Hi everyone, reminder that you've got just over a week left to finish these games, so this is a good time to be getting in touch with your opponents on aptomail to do some scheduling.

James and Stephen are yet to play any so may end up expunged, but still quite a lot of other games left to go!

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Congrats to Dave on winning automatic promotion straight back to D3! The second promotion spot was a difficult call, but I have decided to rigidly stick to the rules (else why have them) and Darren has been awarded a win over Oliver after attempting to organise their game, which sees him promoted ahead of Sam, who's had a great first season in D4. Again, rigidly applying the S9 rules, Malcolm's games stand and therefore the trio relegated are James, Stephen and Oliver. Malcolm, James and Stephen are being removed from the league for inactivity for now - but you're all welcome back in the future!

Cheers all for playing, and good luck for Season 10 :)

Darren Godfrey

Darren Godfrey Thanks as always for organising, Dave! Looking forward to next season already :)

Darren Godfrey

Darren Godfrey And congrats, other Dave

Tourney round: AptoLeague: S9 Division 4

<< S9 Division 3 | S9 Division 5 >>

Notes from the organizer: D4 is historically the tightest division and absolutely anyone can win it - this looks set to be the case once more in Season 9!

Gl to all, have fun :)


Ran from: 1 June – 31 July 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 34. Completed: 34.

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