Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey Cheers to Rhys for the draw, blame him if you got a tough one! There's two byes here so I've given them prune games that means absolutely nothing.

I'll give two and a half week deadlines for these games, so you've got until the end of WEDNESDAY 17th MARCH for this one but do ask for extensions if you need them, I'll allow a few days because I'd much rather the games get played. I'll do the next round's draw on that evening and if there's any games still going on because extensions or whatever I'll just do like an FA cup style 'x plays winner of y and z' thingy

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey ok i'm surprisingly tired so i'll do the next round draw and stuff let's say tomorrow at 10pm

if you haven't played please sort out a time in the near future or something otherwise i may have to autoadvance people sorry :(

thanks for playing, people who didn't win here!

Tourney round: Apterous Masters 2021: First Round

<< Sign ups | Second Round >>

Notes from the organizer:

Thank you so much to everyone who signed up! There's 93 people in this year's tournament, which makes it not only the biggest Masters ever but the most people ever in a single Countdown tournament! Let's go

OK so what's gonna happen here is we'll do a random draw every round, there'll be three qualifying rounds before we chuck in the invited players and the matches start getting longer. The draw's just been done in chat.

Good luck everybody!!

Ran from: 1 – 17 March 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Thomas Carey.

Fixtures: 34. Completed: 34.

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