Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Stage 1 is complete - all players in Conference D were given 3 points since Alex H hasn't played.

Stage two groups:
Top half: (3 promoted)
Carlo (10 points)
J E (8)
Eeshan (8)
Dave (8)
Josh (4)
James (4)

Lower half (3 relegated):
Oliver (4)
Ian (4)
Fiona (3)
Sean (2)
Adam (1)
Alex (0)

92% - games played
127 - HS (Carlo)
56 - most maxes (Carlo)
4 - most centuries (Carlo)
5 - most 9s (Carlo)
2 - most crucial wins (Fiona)
3 - most crucial losses (Adam)

Cheers all for getting the games done and gl in the second half!

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Just a reminder that there's only one week left to play S6 games - be sure to include me in any aptomails!

Still got 13 games to play here, mostly in the promotion tier. I have given everyone in the lower tier 3 points for the Alex games.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Division 2 had a runaway winner this season, J E winning all 5 games in the latter stage and only dropping one against Carlo in the first stage - not bad for a debut season! Joining him in promotion are Eeshan and Carlo; Eeshan beginning league life with two consecutive promotions. Josh, Dave and James round off D2's top half. In the lower half, Oliver and Ian staved off relegation by each winning 3/3, while Adam beat Sean and Fiona to claim 3rd and send them down with Alex (who is removed for now having not played)

Cheers all for playing and good luck next season - stats may come later!

Tourney round: AptoLeague: S6 Division 2: Final Stage

<< S6 Premier League: Final Stage | S6 Division 3: Final Stage >>

Notes from the organizer: Overflow games from the first stage and then games in the second stage as I'm a numpty. Gl!


Ran from: 2 – 28 February 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 32. Completed: 21.

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