Callum Todd

Callum Todd I don't know much about Octolock numbers so not sure how likely this, but say I get 3 totally impossible rounds, whereas Bradley gets 5. Then I could potentially score 17 maxes, whereas Bradley is capped at 15. Isn't that unfair?


M S R It's not perfect, I grant you, but flip that scenario on it's head, then those totally impossible rounds are where Bradley gets an extra 125 points from near-enough automatically if the blank maxes counted. Due to the nature of the beast and high max multiplier, ruling them out seemed fairer :)

(I'd have used stepdown if the tourney system would've allowed it. The spread-sheeting would be a damn sight easier as well :D)

Callum Todd

Callum Todd fair point. I guess there's no way around it really. Maybe if you do a percentage of maxes out of possible rounds? So 6 maxes out of 12 possible rounds scores same as 7 our of 14?

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Could something like percentages be factored in? I know there's a max game bonus, but in my game there were only 7 rounds where you could get points, so if I'd got 6/7, being worse off than someone getting 7/20 in a high max game might be a bit harsh! Appreciate it's hard to find a solution as Prune getting 13 maxes for my game would be harsh the other way!

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns eyyy great minds eh

Fiona T

Fiona T Percentage sounds fair

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Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter Based on my go I think just score - not subjective at all :p but yes, % is by far and away the fair way to go.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier I like unfair.


M S R Okee doke. Percentage based maxes it shall be! The candidates shall have a round percentage of the maxes achieved added on to their total scores.

Taking Adam's game an example, he scored 14 maxes from 16, which is 87.5%. That will be rounded up and he'll score 88. Sound good? :)


M S R My thanks also for the suggestions and help-this is only the second tourney I've run since coming back-all assistance is appreciated :D


M S R NB-Scoring like this for Octo rounds only

Tourney round: Tiddlywinks : Octolock

<< Junior | Instant >>

Notes from the organizer: First of the crazy eights in Octolock. Slight rule change for this one. Whereas in other rounds maxes on completely impossible rounds count, THEY WILL NOT DO SO HERE due to the likelihood of large numbers of impossible rounds. This will also apply for Octorock when that arrives in August.

Maxes x25, with the bonus for a max game netting you 75 points. Try not to tear your hair out.

Ran from: 15 – 21 July 2020. Format: Octolock Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: M S R.

Fixtures: 32. Completed: 26.

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