Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter Hi, Just to clarify - with the scores given as maxes x 5, does this mean a 1 away solution when perfect was possible scores zero points? Just checking :)


M S R Yes-the scores are taken by maxes on the scorecard as multiplied by the given number. It's either in bold or it doesn't count at all.

(Fine for normal, but when the octo rounds come up, I imagine you'll all want to defenestrate me)

Tal Lessner

Tal Lessner If 0 points is the max for a round, how does it count?

Chris Butler

Chris Butler What does "If larges show up, I'll void your game" mean?

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter @Chris, as in, if you pick a 1/2/3/4L instead of 6s, the game is voided. You're allowed one mistake of picking anything other than 6S in the first round - but not after this as you could just have a shite game and do a cheeky 1L at the end to have another go :)

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter @Matthew, are you keeping a public spreadsheet to show the maxes scored by each player?

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Riiiigghht. I've just started my game, I've been picking 1 Large. Where does it say to play 6 small?!

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Just gone back to the tourney homepage and read the small print, my apologies. I'll just finish this game then and let you void it, sorry!!

Fiona T

Fiona T Agree that with so many tourneys going on at the moment it would be good to stick it in capitals on the round page too! (Ditto that only maxes count to the score - I would have fudged a couple more if I'd realised)

Fiona T

Fiona T Would also suggest for future rounds if someone has a blank moment and doesn't pick all smalls, that those round only are discounted from the score, rather than the whole game

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Yeah it would be silly to discount the entire game. Like I suppose the idea is "How many 0L maxes can you get?"


M S R Have just got back from work, so I'll take each in turn.

@Tal-scored by having the number of maxes multiplied by a certain number for each round, so rounds where it is impossible to get within 10 do count (lest anyone think this is unfair, it takes a skill to recognize that it is impossible rather than attempting to fudge something)

@Adam-spreadsheet will be available shortly-please bear with! :)

@Fiona-ta for the suggestions. They will work better-shall implement! Aptomail will be sent to clarify stuff shortly.

Apologies for the slightly juddering start-it's been a busy week :)

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter @Matthew - re your last point on Tal's @ - does this imply that if impossible to get within 10 then you should not declare anything showing that you knew it was impossible?


M S R Callum's game is the example here :)-


M S R Chris, I'll give you another shot for this round also :)


M S R Spreadsheet-

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Ok, little bit confused by rounds which are impossible. Looking at your reference game above, Callum declared 700 which is the closest possible (I think). Is closest possible required for the points then? I think this is a great idea, but Apterous no longer tells you what the closest too was (like it used to do when it was on Java), it would now require manually calculating it which I presume you won't be doing. So I guess you will thus award points for any declaration AT LEAST 10 away from the total, or for no declaration at all (as this demonstrates the player knew it was impossible)?

Chris Butler

Chris Butler I'm not entirely sure, but maybe Flat Scoring would solve this. It would certainly improve this in some ways though if not all. For example, as it stands if 1 away is the best possible, max points are (arguably unfairly) awarded for declarations of 2, 3, 4 and 5 away from target. Flat scoring would only award for the perfect solution. Probably too late to implement now, was just a comment

Chris Butler

Chris Butler I'm not entirely sure, but maybe Flat Scoring would solve this. It would certainly improve this in some ways though if not all. For example, as it stands if 1 away is the best possible, max points are (arguably unfairly) awarded for declarations of 2, 3, 4 and 5 away from target. Flat scoring would only award for the perfect solution. Probably too late to implement now, was just a comment

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman Looking at various games, if it's impossible it rewards a max for the best available score, a score within 10 that's not actually possible, and declaring nothing at all. So basically if it's impossible you get a max regardless of what you do or don't declare


M S R I would have used either flat/stepdown scoring if I could, but the tourney page doesn't all for custom scoring set-ups. My slight bodge job was the next best thing :)

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Fair enough, that's fine. So to clarify then, any impossible round is given as a max as per Toms explanation?

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M S R Yes-odd as it may seem. There may be some differences for the Octo rounds, owing to the high number of impossible rounds.

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Sorry, me again. My new game has Prune as P1 and choosing 1L of course, please advise what I should do :)


M S R Oh, feck...My fault! Used to putting players as P2 from POTUS. Apologies.

Also, Robin, you need to pick 6S all the way through. Another game will be up for you now.

Robin M

Robin M Sorry Matthew didn't realise, I don't look at these sorts of pages often, tbh, just go with what it says, ta now.


M S R First round done-some people went for larges who didn't realize. Will be in touch with them to redo-I'll only be doing that in this round.


Some very strong starts, including a max game from Callum to boot, with it very close among the others. Cal has a slight lead for now, but there is plenty of time for that to be eroded.

Octolock round will be up in the morning. Slight change in the max counting on that one-all shall be revealed!

Tourney round: Tiddlywinks : Normal

<< Sign-Ups | Hyper >>

Notes from the organizer: I'll break you in 'easy' so to speak, with a Normal NA. This one will definitely be making a comeback, with the Grand Final being played in this.

Scores determined multiplying maxes x5. Any max games get a 25 point bonus.

If larges show up, I'll void your game and you'll get a second chance in this round only. This is to prevent people gaming the system. GL!

Ran from: 8 – 14 July 2020. Format: Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: M S R.

Fixtures: 34. Completed: 31.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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