M S R #Mellor2020 does things in style, 12 points ahead of his nearest rival in #Down2020 and a max game to boot. That also has big implications for the table.

#Worsley2020 now leads, with 119 votes. #Hare2020 follows on 107, #Robjohns 2020 on 45. #Mellor2020, with 36, has now overtaken #Horrocks2020 on 35. This is vital.

In states open now, #Worsley2020 leads in Montana, #Cappleman2020 leads in South Dakota, #Robjohns2020 leads in New Mexico and #Todd2020 leads in New Jersey. That would leave Worsley and Robjohns safe, garnering extra points for the play-off (see below), with T-Cap playing the spoiler, all the while Cal nips in to take 4th place, knocking Brad out.

Remember, states play a part in giving those in the Spoliage NA play-off. Those participating get an extra point for each state (not districts) won.

Tourney round: Apterous Presidential Election: District of Columbia

<< Kentucky | Montana >>

Notes from the organizer: The nation's Capitol. The only that isn't a state but counts towards the total because of reasons. And if Dave Gorman and Top Gear are to be believed, it's quite the delightful fleapit.

Only 3 electoral votes and a boring old Standard 9 as the format. Enjoy.

Ran from: 24 – 30 June 2020. Format: 9 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: M S R.

Fixtures: 35. Completed: 34.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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