Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre WTF, you remove Hyperlock, you bumhole :(

Tourney round: The Multiverse 4: Splitsville: Sign-ups

Goatdown Week >>

Notes from the organizer: It's back!

We've had three trips to the Multiverse, and slightly later than normal, a fourth tournament is forthcoming.

As usual, each week entrants will be scheduled to play a game against Prune in a different format (e.g. Unlimited). Scoring is similar to the duel, e.g. if 30 people play in one stage, the person who comes first earns 30 points, second 29 etc etc. I'm considering introducing something extra to separate players who have the same score, but this will probably be left until Multiverse 5 (if it happens) to be perfected.

We will be keeping last years format, so no return to stepdown conversion. Perhaps more unpopularly, Junior will continue to be played against ol' Rexy instead of Prune.

Formats will be the same as last year, apart from the introduction of a Deepdown Letters Attack, replacing Hyperlock.

The bonuses will return as well. For new players, or anyone who needs reminding, these are;

Pencils- As it says on the tin, if you earn a pencil during a tournament game, you earn a bonus point. Please message me to say if you got a pencil, as I've been prone to missing them in the past.

Numberwang- I will use a Random Number Generator to select a number between the lowest and highest scores (not revealed until after the conclusion of the week), and if anyone scores this, they will earn 2 bonus points. If nobody gets it spot, the person (or people) nearest to the score will earn 1 bonus point.

Joker- About a week before the start of stage one, I will be sending out a private message asking you to nominate a format for you to use as your joker. This will double the number of points you earn in scoring for that week. E.g. if you come 2nd out of 26, instead of 25 points, you'll earn 50.

And now, the schedule- Instead of being played over 15 consecutive weeks. This year, largely due to my schedule later in the year being rather busy, will see the schedule split, hence the "Splitsville" name. We will start on October 1st, apparantly something else Countdown related is happening on this day as well..... this also means CoC participants, if they want to take part, won't be distracted by this and can start after what is sure to be a fantastic few days. The schedule will now be in three blocks of five weeks, with week breaks scheduled for November 5th-11th, and December 17th-23rd.

Week 1: Goatdown- 01/10/2018
Week 2: Aegilops- 08/10/2018
Week 3: Spoilage- 15/10/2018
Week 4: Octolock- 22/10/2018
Week 5: Touchdown- 29/10/2018
Week 6: Deepdown- 12/11/2018
Week 7: Lockdown- 19/11/2018
Week 8: Unlimited- 26/11/2018
Week 9: Nasty- 03/12/2018
Week 10: Junior- 10/12/2018
Week 11: Hyper- 24/12/2018
Week 12: Omelette- 31/12/2018
Week 13: Duckdown- 07/01/2019
Week 14: Touch Junior- 14/01/2019
Week 15: Stepdown- 21/01/2019

More details to be released nearer the time. Who will follow Messrs Brockwell, Siempre and Carey to be the fourth ruler of the Multivese (or will one of these win again).

Ciao for now.

Ran from: 14 August – 30 September 2018. Format: Finnish Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: James Laverty.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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