Jamie M

Jamie M A couple of things to clarify:
- All games must be in ENGLISH (no CSW) as they will be in all challenges;
- Custom games will feature heavily in this challenge. If you're setting up a custom game you ARE allowed to give yourself the pick in every round. This saves some rounds picked by bots being useless, and generally makes things easier.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd This is more difficult than I first imagined, but it's going to be fun. Nice idea.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Agree with Callum, had one go on this and had F, G, J, K, W, X, Y, and Z left.

Jamie M

Jamie M I'll be honest, it's pretty hard. It might take a bit of experimentation with different variants to see which one(s) you're most likely to complete it with.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd I didn't mean any criticism when I said it was a bit difficult, I think it's an excellent challenge.

Rhys, my tactic has been to try and use those letters (other than G) from the start. Wherever possible, pick those letters if you think you can make a max with them. If not, just play the round normally. The other letters should fall into place by themselves.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Ah, but you're not playing my variant, owing to how utterly crap I am at Normal/Goat/etc.

Jamie M

Jamie M I've barely played Spoilage (here's my fairly unspectacular attempt at an LA to try it out http://www.apterous.org/viewgame.php?game=1248088) so I really don't have much of an idea how hard it is for this challenge, but I definitely think it's worth trying other variants besides whatever "your" one(s) is/are. The same probably applies to anyone who specialises in Hyper variants; mine are Hyper Unlimited, Omelette and possibly Aegilops, but not all of them would be useful for me here.

Jon Stitcher

Jon Stitcher I have been 3 letters away and I missed 2 rather simple maxes for the remaining 3 letters. It's definitely possible.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd It is absolutely possible, just not easy. Rhys, are you using spoilage? That may be very difficult. I think goatdown is probably best here,, unless you're really good at touchdown.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Sadly my goat skills are awful.

Jon Stitcher

Jon Stitcher The best option here is omelette in my opinion. Much higher probability of the more obscure letters.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd Fair enough. I guess it's doable with spoilage, you'll just have to be very luck with selections. Waterblommetjies or middelmanetjies probably essential for the J.

Jamie M

Jamie M Would people prefer challenge completions to be secret or public? As it stands not much happens on this page, and I just wondered if people would prefer to comment on here with completions rather than have to do it by Aptomail.

I could also keep a challenge leaderboard on here and update it every now and then so people know what they're up against, and in some cases know if there's much scope for them to improve.

Kevin Stoba

Kevin Stoba I'd certainly like to see a leaderboard -- it'd give an extra bit of motivation to keep attempting the challenge beyond the opening flurry.

Jon Stitcher

Jon Stitcher +1

Jamie M

Jamie M Ok, good enough for me. Provisional scores for people so far:

Bob De Caux 90
Kevin Stoba 67
Stephen R 60
Callum Todd 55
Richard Freeland 40
Jon Stitcher 10
Thomas Cappleman 10

Jamie M

Jamie M Update - improvements and new players have a star.

* Bob De Caux 97
* Kevin Stoba 92
Stephen R 60
Callum Todd 55
Richard Freeland 40
Jon Stitcher 10
Thomas Cappleman 10

Jamie M

Jamie M Sorry I'm late Marcus...

Bob De Caux 97
Kevin Stoba 92
Stephen R 60
Callum Todd 55
Richard Freeland 40
* Marcus Hares 15
Jon Stitcher 10
Thomas Cappleman 10

Jamie M

Jamie M One in, one out...

Bob De Caux 97
Stephen R 60
Callum Todd 55
Richard Freeland 40
* Matthew Tassier 16
Marcus Hares 15
Jon Stitcher 10
Thomas Cappleman 10

Just a couple of days left for this one.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre http://www.apterous.org/viewgame.php?game=1258167

Show all comments
Jamie M

Jamie M Bob De Caux 97
Stephen R 60
Callum Todd 55
Richard Freeland 40
* Zarte Siempre 35
Matthew Tassier 16
Marcus Hares 15
Jon Stitcher 10
Thomas Cappleman 10

Jamie M

Jamie M This challenge ends at midnight TONIGHT so if you've got anything you haven't submitted but want to then you've got the rest of today to do it.

Jamie M

Jamie M Jamie M Bob De Caux 97
Stephen R 60
Callum Todd 55
Richard Freeland 40
Zarte Siempre 35
* Matthew Tassier 25
Marcus Hares 15
Jon Stitcher 10
Thomas Cappleman 10

Jamie M

Jamie M ...ignore my name on that. Just a few hours left before this finishes and L2 replaces it

Jamie M

Jamie M I've made a site for Revolver, here's the leaderboard for this challenge: https://sites.google.com/site/apterousrevolver/challenge-list/set1 Obviously, this is also the overall leaderboard for the time being. Here's what everyone's final scores were:

1st BOB DE CAUX 100
2nd STEPHEN R 80
4th Richard Freeland 60
5th Zarte Siempre 53
6th Matthew Tassier 40
7th Marcus Hares 27
8th Jon Stitcher 20
8th Thomas Cappleman 20

Thanks to everyone who played, I'm glad this got off to a good start. I'll add the games to this page if possible, and there's a new letters challenge up if you want a go at it. Thanks :)

Tourney round: Revolver: Challenge L1 - Pangram

<< Practice challenge | Challenge N1 - Eggplant >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome to Revolver, what I hope will be an on-going set of Apterous challenges for you to try as much as you like. The idea is that I set a challenge once every five days, and that each one runs for 20 days so four challenges run at any time. This one is letters-based, and the challenges will rotate through letters, numbers, conundrums and a mix of all three.

You can play whichever challenges you like, all you need to do is sign up to one on its round page and get started on it. Every challenge has an objective you need to complete, with extra points available depending on how you do it. These points then get converted into final scores as follows:

1st place: 100 points
2nd place: 80 points
3rd place: 70 points
All others: scaled between 20 and 60 points

The tournament has an overall leaderboard which is the total of all these final scores you've achieved.

So, here's the first one, numbered 1L because it's letters challenge #1.

Objective: In a letters-only game, max rounds using words that contain all 26 letters of the alphabet at least once each between them. NOTE: this does not mean you have to max every round, just that declared words that aren't maxes are ignored.
Suggested variant: You'll want some freedom to choose letters - I'll suggest Goatdown as a starting point. YOU CAN CHOOSE OTHER VARIANTS.
Other permitted variants: Any other variant where words containing any letter of the alphabet can be declared in English games. Get creative!
Disallowed/unavailable variants: Nice, Nasty, Hyper Nasty [some letters are not used in these]
Format: An all-letters game, of up to 20 rounds and up to 30 seconds per round. NOTE: this means you CAN play games with shorter and/or fewer rounds.
Scoring: 10 points for completing this in a 20-round game of 30-second rounds; one bonus point for each second fewer per round; FIVE bonus points for each round fewer (e.g. 16 points for 19 rounds of 29 seconds)

If you complete the challenge and want me to know about it, Aptomail me a link to your game and I'll keep a record of it. If you better it, send me another and I'll replace it.

Hopefully that's all clear, but if not let me know. Good luck everyone!

Ran from: 17 March – 5 April 2014. Format: Goat Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Jamie M.

Fixtures: 9. Completed: 9.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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