Jamie M

Jamie M Correction - Unlimited Jr. has its own Numbers Attack (slightly different to Junior) so it IS allowed.

Jon Stitcher

Jon Stitcher took me under 5 minutes to score 190. Quite annoyed now.

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Jamie M

Jamie M If it makes you feel any better Jon, the Chat Logs have it as 5:51? Maybe not though, 19 maxes is always annoying.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd This looks like it could be really successful. Will there be a leaderboard for a 'series' of challenges, or anything like that, or will there just be individual leaderboards for each individual challenge, with no competition over accumulative challenge performance?

Jamie M

Jamie M Thanks, I hope it will be - from the number of people signing up to this one it looks like it might go ok.

The current plan is to have one leaderboard at the end of each challenge, and one main leaderboard (just a sum) which will be for all challenges. This is the reason for the 100-80-70-60-...-20 scoring, so no challenges are much more rewarding than others. I might make a site for it like Marcus has for ATP.

Jamie M

Jamie M Quick mid-round update:

Had a few entries so far, thanks for those. There might still be some people who've entered and done the challenge but not yet sent me a link to it. If that's you make sure you do it some point before the round closes (I know some people are going to retry first before doing it, no hurry).

Good luck if you're still attempting it!

Jamie M

Jamie M Thanks to everyone who took part! These points won't be added to the overall leaderboard (which doesn't exist yet) as it was just a practice round to test a few things out, but here's how people got on:

1st: Matthew Tassier (4:17) 100pts
2nd: Callum Todd (4:22), 80 pts
3rd: Kevin Stoba (5:29), 70 pts
4th: Marcus Hares (5:45), 60 pts
5th: Thomas Cappleman (6:00), 57 pts
6th: Zarte Siempre (6:01), 57 pts
7th: Rhys Benjamin (6:04), 57 pts
8th: Peter Fenton (9:26), 20 pts

I'll add the relevant games to this page so you can see them for yourself. Since this went fairly well I'm starting up the main thing now, the "first" round is on its way!

Tourney round: Revolver: Practice challenge

Challenge L1 - Pangram >>

Notes from the organizer: As discussed here http://www.apterous.org/ticket_view.php?ticket=2263#p35026, I'll soon be starting an ongoing tournament based around Apterous challenges. For now I want to put up a challenge to gauge interest, and just to test that everything should work in the real thing.

Signing up means that you can attempt the challenge, and you're allowed to try it as many times as you want (even once you've completed it) - at any point during the round. I've given a deadline of five days here, but in the real thing deadlines will be longer so that challenge periods can overlap. This one isn't too difficult anyway so that should be fine.

Here's what you need to do.
Objective: max a 20-round Numbers Attack of any variant, in under ten minutes (actual time taken, not total time of rounds).
Suggested variant: Junior.
Other permitted variants: anything else where Numbers Attack is a high-score variant.
Disallowed/unavailable variants: Deepdown [no NA available], Goatdown / Goatdown Jr. / Hypergoatdown / Unlimited / Unlimited Jr. / Hyper Unlimited [all repeats of numbers rounds in other variants]
Format: Numbers Attack. Must be 20 rounds, with the standard round time for the variant.
Scoring: Your actual score doesn't matter, as long as it's a max game. You get one point for every second under ten minutes you take, as per the Chat Logs. This is timed from the "(person) is playing (game)" message until the "Max game!" one. So for example, doing it in 8:30 scores 90 points.

Whenever you complete the challenge and want me to know about it, send me an Aptomail with a link to the relevant part of Chat Logs. If you improve your time, feel free to send me another one - only your best time will count.

In order to ensure balance across rounds, people's scores will be converted to a standard as follows: the best three get 100, 80 and 70 respectively; the rest get between 60 and 20 on a linear scale. I'll do all this at the end of the round, you only need to know what time you got.

Feel free to ask anything here, a few things are subject to change before the main thing gets underway. Enjoy!

Ran from: 12 – 16 March 2014. Format: Junior Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Jamie M.

Fixtures: 8. Completed: 8.

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