Sid CC

Sid CC Very strange occurrence in my game here just now. Declared the correct target, got the solution correct, but the game wouldn't allow me to 'submit' my answer, just 'give up'. Happened twice, the first occasion Stephen Hawking could only get to one away (even though I got it and it was not difficult and the 2nd occasion he got it correct but again it wouldn't allow me submit my correct answer. I took a screenshot in case anyone thinks I'm losing my marbles. This ever happen to anyone else?

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor Very strange indeed. I took a look at your game and the 1811 round (assuming that is the 'impossible' one you are referring to) is indeed possible by doing (2*9+5+1)*75+10+1. The only reason I can think of for it not allowing you to submit that is because it probably thought it was impossible (it can't try every possible way and does not use logic at all so will try things like 1*75), it rendered your solution invalid because it hadn't got it and therefore to the machine it wasn't possible. On the one where you got it as well as Stephen, maybe that was a similar scenario except it solved it a fraction of a second after it had declared yours void.

You're through anyway though, so no need to fret too much.

Noel Mc

Noel Mc Is it the 1811 round? What number did you leave out?

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor Oh yeah...that would explain it. I forgot about that. Ignore my above comment - I forgot you had to leave a number out!

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Noel has hit the nail on the head, easy to forget about the duck

Sid CC

Sid CC Ah - that would explain it. My bad, should read the instructions more carefully! Thanks!

Martin Hurst

Martin Hurst Cheers for organising Matthew and good luck to all those that remain :)

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Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier You're welcome Martin, and well done on the previous rounds, you were looking very strong.

Martin Hurst

Martin Hurst This tournament can certainly bite you on the bum very quickly :)

Steve Balog

Steve Balog Duckdown easier than Junior confirmed

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Not entirely sure that's proven, Steve! Well done to those safely through, particularly Jamie who was the Strongest Link here.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Some narrow escapes, but two butts are bitten. Martin and Darran you are the Weakest Links, Goodbye!

Tourney round: Weakest Link Numbers Tournament 2017: Round 9 - Duckdown

<< Round 8 - Lockdown | Round 10 - Hyperlock >>

Notes from the organizer: Round nine will be played in Duckdown format against Apterous Nude. In Duckdown possible targets are 101-2000 and you get 7 numbers to use rather than 6 but you must "duck" (not use) one of them. Nude likes to pick 1 large which sometimes can be quite awkward with a high target.
Just the TWO lowest scoring players in this round (and subsequent rounds) will leave the tournament. If there is a tie for lowest scores then margin of victory/defeat will be taken into account amongst tied players followed, if necessary, by total score in the tournament so far (see notes by matches).
Good luck!

Ran from: 7 – 20 February 2017. Format: Duckdown Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 31. Completed: 31.

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