Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman As this hasn't been approved yet, do we just play a game and send you a link?

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson Yes. Play a game against Prune and send it through to me. Might as well do that when they aren't approved.

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson Anyone else who didn't sign up but wants to join in for The Weakest Link, play a Junior Letters Attack against Prune and Aptomail to me.

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman It may be worth letting this round run for a while after it's approved. The tournament doesn't appear on the front page, and I only found it because I was wondering where it had gone.

Matty Artell

Matty Artell Worth noting that if you do this, people could play as many games as they want and just send the best. Seems like it may be best to just wait for it to be approved to avoid this.

Julie McCarthy

Julie McCarthy I agree with Matty. With the numbers tourney I did do practise games, but then you had to do the real thing, no thinking, "mmm, I can do better if I have another go", especially tempting if you display others' scores to beat.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Sorry for the delay, this is now approved. Jamie, let me know if you want to move the dates.

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson No worries Charlie. Cheers again :-)

Andy SC

Andy SC How many people are being eliminated this round Jamie? or are people at least getting to play in two rounds?

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson One being eliminated

Matty Artell

Matty Artell 10 points for guessing who it'll be ;D

Andy SC

Andy SC Think it may be Prune, Matty :)

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson First pencil of the tournament-ADJECT from Tricia in Round 7 of her game and Matty's low score may be due to his joint lowest max avaliable of 129 (tied with Trnasude) with the highest max avaliable being 185 from Jim's game

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JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson So, first round down, and by one point, we have our first Weakest Link. Matty, thank you for taking part, but with 92, you are the Weakest Link. GOODBYE

Julie McCarthy

Julie McCarthy ul, Matty. Only 2 available 7s, and one of those rather obscure, not a lot to work with there. Congrats, Thomas.

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson Having a max of 129 I bet didn't help either

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson Transude had the same max, but there were longer words and more sevens avaliable

JNM Rawson

JNM Rawson Also, a total of 1,897 points scored in all games

Tourney round: Weakest Link Letters Tournament: Round 1-Junior

<< Sign-Up page | Round 7-Omelette >>

Notes from the organizer: Nice start, Junior vs Prune. Unlike the Numbers, only the one lowest scorer will go out and if two players score the same then it will be the number of maxes scored in their game for this round only and it will be total points scored the remainder.

All the best

Ran from: 2 – 8 May 2016. Format: Junior Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: JNM Rawson.

Fixtures: 19. Completed: 19.

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