Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck I am pleased to announce WEDNESDAY, 9 MARCH at 8:00 PM BST as the official date and time for the Mind the Gap final! Clear your calendars, because I want a huge crowd!

Tourney round: Mind the Gap: Tunnel's End

<< The End is Nigh

Notes from the organizer: Well, that only took a little over four months. The Mind the Gap train has reached its metaphorical terminus here. Only two people have paid the full fare -- as it happens, our #1 and #2 seeds, Jack Worsley and Thomas Cappleman --, and it's up to them to duke it out for the prize of conquering what is only the second full tourney I have ever run. Kudos to both on having reached this stage, but there has to be only one winner.

And who will it be? We're hoping to be able to have people tune in and find out! As my one last virtual foray into the CO-event scene (for now), I'd like to set this grand final up as an exhibition match. Jack and Thomas, if you're both OK with it, I would appreciate if you could set up a time to play and post it here so that the final can be watched by whoever wishes to attend. I'll also be sending an Aptomail to all 17 of our contestants who have left, in case they want to see who will take the glory.

Remember, this game is a 14 ROUNDER. There is a CONUNDRUM IN THE MIDDLE. It's impressive how easy it is for me to forget that -- not sure about any of you.

Commiserations are also in order for #6 seed Zarte, who emerges as our third-place finisher, and #4 seed Matthew, who is the worthy runner-up to the medallists. Well done, fellows.

I'm thinking about starting a new tourney very shortly after this one. Depends how close I am to flunking out on my degree. More details later.

Ran from: 8 February – 9 March 2016. Format: 14 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Johnny Canuck.

Fixtures: 1. Completed: 1.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
Grand FinalTom CapplemanJack Worsley99 – 92

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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