Jamie M

Jamie M Great progress so far on this - 10 games down after four days!

This page https://sites.google.com/site/apterousrevolver/other/bob is where I'll update the overall standings as often as I can.

If that table's unclear, essentially it's the points/rankings (first three columns), followed by a grid of individual scores per game (the 18x18 grid - variants are colour-coded, so lime green ones are Goatdown for example), followed by the stats that make up each of the tie-break criteria (such as number of maxed rounds).

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Jamie M

Jamie M I accidentally landed on this page two minutes after the fortnight ended. Round 2 starts today (Thursday), with the unusual double header of a Hyper Blitz and a Touchblitz Jr. Updated standings coming up some time in the morning, maybe 7am Apterous time. One unplayed game of 7 here, so it's a draw (1 point each where we were doing 3 points for a win) unless it can be played on Thursday - such that the fortnight-long round actually lasted 336 hours. The clocks went forward, so it's not "overdue" until at least 1am :)

Adam Finlay

Adam Finlay Ah! Sorry :'( Wish i realised how urgent it was and sorted something out with Thomas much earlier!

Jamie M

Jamie M It's cool, wish I'd been within 100 miles of my laptop in the past eight days. Ah well, that's a loss for me then. Until I get the final scores sorted I can't do the second round (Touch Jr and Hyper) fixtures fairly anyway, so if you can get it played faster than I can get between Birmingham and Leeds by train/walking you've got about a four hour head start on me :) so there's a fun race

Adam Finlay

Adam Finlay Due to this finishing, it's not a blue notification thingy anymore, so I guess the thing to do is play it and send?

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman Played: http://www.apterous.org/viewgame.php?game=1491055

Tourney round: Blitz of Blitzes: R1: Goatdown

<< R1: Normal | R2: Hyper >>

Notes from the organizer: Ticket with full tournament details: http://www.apterous.org/ticket_view.php?ticket=2767

Running alongside this set of games is the Normal variant: http://www.apterous.org/to_tourney.php?tourney=1455

There are 18 of us playing, so the top eight after twelve games go through to the quarter finals. Good luck!

Ran from: 26 March – 8 April 2015. Format: Goatblitz. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Jamie M.

Fixtures: 9. Completed: 9.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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