Richard Freeland

Richard Freeland So this is 10 under the record in 3 second rounds:

Check I've set it up correctly, but that should be 54

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman Is this still English only?

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman 9 off the record in 3 seconds, so 55:

Richard Freeland

Richard Freeland 6 off in 3 for 58:

Jamie M

Jamie M Sorry for the late reply, English (and not CSW) only as normal please, I managed to forget that in the description again...

Richard Freeland 58
Thomas Cappleman 55

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman 6 off in 3 for 58 as well:

Callum Todd

Callum Todd - 61

Show all comments
Richard Freeland

Richard Freeland 59:

Jamie M

Jamie M * Callum Todd 61
* Richard Freeland 59
* Thomas Cappleman 58

Just a quick announcement for anyone who didn't see it on the L4 comments: I'm taking a break from Revolver for a bit after this set of challenges is finished (so when this one is, on the 19th) but will likely be bringing it back at some point. I'll let you know :)

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier - Less than everyone else.
Thanks for running these Jamie, been some good challenges.

Jamie M

Jamie M I'll allow it Matthew but I'm going to have to deduct some (raw) points since Touch Jr 15 is in the "old 15" format, i.e. 3 numbers rounds not 4, and so it's easier to get a higher score with an extra numbers round (10 pts normally) instead of letters (up to 7). Sorry for not noticing it in time.

The good news is that it still counts, and it doesn't actually make a difference to your final score:

Matthew Tassier 60

The "final" overall leaderboard will be updated soon I enjoyed doing these so thanks to everyone who played, and hopefully I'll pick this back up again at a later date so look out for that :)

Callum Todd

Callum Todd Thanks for doing these Jamie, they've been great.

Tourney round: Revolver: Challenge M4 - Head Start

<< Challenge C4 - Dodge

Notes from the organizer: Welcome to Revolver, an on-going set of Apterous challenges for you to try as much as you like. I set a challenge once every five days, and each one runs for 20 days so four challenges run at any time. This one is mixed-round, and the challenges rotate through letters, numbers, conundrums and a mix of all three.

You can play whichever challenges you like, as much as you like; all you need to do is sign up to one on its round page (signing up is optional but it's helpful as feedback if nothing else) and get started on it. Every challenge has an objective you need to complete, with extra points available depending on how you do it. These points then get converted into final scores as follows:

1st place: 100 points
2nd place: 80 points
3rd place: 70 points
All others: scaled between 20 and 60 points
In the event of ties points get split equally, so if two people tie for second they get 75 each.

The tournament has an overall leaderboard which is the total of all these final scores you've achieved.

So, here's the latest one, numbered M4 because it's mixed-round challenge 4.


Objective: giving yourself a two-point head start per second you reduce the round time by, beat or equal any current 15-round high score.

Variant/format: Any format with 15 rounds that appears on the high scores, and has letters, numbers and conundrums. You can set the round time to whatever you want, but make sure the correct scoring is used for custom games. Note that a Bullet 15 (for example) is an Old 15 with 27 seconds less.

Scoring: 10 points for equalling a record, +2 for every second under the usual round time, -1 for every point under. So if a record is 100 in a 30-second format and you score 82 in 20 seconds, that's 10 (base) minus 18 (difference between score and record) plus 20 (for 10 seconds less) to make 12. This score has to be at least 10.

If you complete the challenge and want me to know about it, COMMENT ON THIS PAGE with a link to your game. If you better it, comment again and that will replace your previous game. After every few completions I'll put up a table of who's scored what.

Hopefully that's all clear, but if not let me know. Good luck everyone!

Ran from: 31 May – 19 June 2014. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Jamie M.

Fixtures: 4. Completed: 4.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Apterous PruneCallum Todd0 – 114
Apterous PruneRichard Freeland0 – 113
Apterous PruneTom Cappleman0 – 111
Apterous PruneMatthew Tassier0 – 102

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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