Daily Duel results for 10 October 2022

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 106.
Maximum score: 40.
Team score: 40. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate41%18%30%9%
1stAhmed M40+10910101010
1stChris Hare40+10910101010
1stFlorence C-L40+10910101010
1stHazel Drury40+10910101010
1stMark Murray40+10910101010
1stMatthew Brockwell40+10910101010
1stRob Foster40+10910101010
1stStephen R40+10910101010
9thAmie Bateen30+981010100
9thMatt Hamer30+981010100
9thMatt OC30+981010100
9thRonan M Higginson30+981010100
9thSean D30+981010100
9thStu Harkness30+981010100
9thTom Cappleman30+981010100
9thZohaib Rehan30+981010100
17thAdam Latchford20+90100100
17thAndres S.20+90100010
17thElliott Mellor20+90100100
17thGraeme Cole20+90100100
17thJohn Beresford20+90100100
17thJonny D20+90100100
17thMartin Thomas20+90101000
17thNiall Waters20+90100100
17thRay Wilding20+90100010
17thThomas Carey20+90101000
17thToby McDonald20+90010100
17thTracey Mills20+90100100
29thAdam Finlay10+7810000
29thAmar Chotai10+7800100
29thBen H10+7810000
29thCillian McM10+7810000
29thDarren Godfrey10+7810000
29thDave Robjohns10+7810000
29thFraser Allatt10+7800100
29thGeorge Armstrong10+7810000
29thGerry Tynan10+7810000
29thGulshan R10+7810000
29thIain Sime10+7810000
29thJames C10+7810000
29thJason C.10+7800100
29thJoe Dobinson10+7800100
29thJon O'Neill10+7810000
29thLiam O10+7800100
29thLiam Shaw10+7810000
29thMartin Hurst10+7810000
29thMartyn Pegram10+7800100
29thMatthew Tassier10+7800100
29thRobin M10+7810000
29thSteven Grady10+7810000
29thTim Down10+7800100
29thTony Atkins10+7810000
53rdAlan O'Sullivan0+540000
53rdAlex Williamson0+540000
53rdAndy SC0+540000
53rdAnglo Italian0+540000
53rdAnthony Endsor0+540000
53rdArthur P0+540000
53rdBrendan Whitehurst0+540000
53rdCammy L0+540000
53rdDamian McEvoy0+540000
53rdDan Spinks0+540000
53rdDave Kempshall0+540000
53rdDave Ryan0+540000
53rdDavid Mcdougall0+540000
53rdDominic M0+540000
53rdElwin Carlos0+540000
53rdEoin Jackson0+540000
53rdEuan Crabb0+540000
53rdFi Thorne0+540000
53rdFiona T0+540000
53rdHawk E0+540000
53rdIan Volante0+540000
53rdJ Bartram0+540000
53rdJames Hurrell0+540000
53rdJames Mcdonald0+540000
53rdJames Turner0+540000
53rdJason Turner0+540000
53rdJayne Wisniewski0+540000
53rdJim Goloboy0+540000
53rdJohn Doherty0+540000
53rdJohn Gillies0+540000
53rdJorge Moreno0+540000
53rdJudith Young0+540000
53rdJulia Hayward0+540000
53rdLorrie Bronsema0+540000
53rdLuke S0+540000
53rdMark Ivey0+540000
53rdMartel Dotson0+540000
53rdMike Lee0+540000
53rdNick Martin0+540000
53rdPiaras Last-Name0+540000
53rdRoger Peak0+540000
53rdRoss Allatt0+540000
53rdRoss Jeffries0+540000
53rdSam Hughes0+540000
53rdSid CC0+540000
53rdSteven Oldham0+540000
53rdSuzy Turner0+540000
53rdTim James0+540000
53rdTlou Laz0+540000
53rdToni M0+540000
53rdTricia Lockhart0+540000
53rdTyron Potts0+540000
53rdViraj Seelam0+540000
53rdWesley Barton0+540000

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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