Daily Duel results for 3 July 2019

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 82.
Maximum score: 3.
Team score: 3. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate90%98%99%
1stAlan Lloyd3+86111
1stAmie Bateen3+86111
1stAndy SC3+86111
1stAnglo Italian3+86111
1stAnthony Endsor3+86111
1stBrendan Whitehurst3+86111
1stBrett Davids3+86111
1stCammy L3+86111
1stChris Butler3+86111
1stChris Hare3+86111
1stCillian McM3+86111
1stDave Ryan3+86111
1stEdward Ashcroft3+86111
1stElizabeth Beer3+86111
1stEoin M3+86111
1stFiona T3+86111
1stGeorge Armstrong3+86111
1stGerry Sullivan3+86111
1stGevin Chapwell3+86111
1stGraeme Cole3+86111
1stHarry F3+86111
1stHazel Drury3+86111
1stIain Sime3+86111
1stIan Birdman3+86111
1stIan Linton3+86111
1stIan Volante3+86111
1stJack Slane3+86111
1stJames Haughton3+86111
1stJames Hurrell3+86111
1stJamie French3+86111
1stJason Turner3+86111
1stJohn Beresford3+86111
1stJohn Gillies3+86111
1stJohnny Canuck3+86111
1stJojo Apollo3+86111
1stJon Elmer3+86111
1stJonathan Dyke3+86111
1stJonny D3+86111
1stJudith Young3+86111
1stKaren Pearson3+86111
1stKeith C Williams3+86111
1stKeith Williams3+86111
1stLuke Johnson-Davies3+86111
1stMarcus Hares3+86111
1stMark Murray3+86111
1stMark Tournoff3+86111
1stMatt Hamer3+86111
1stMatt OC3+86111
1stMatthew Tassier3+86111
1stMatty Artell3+86111
1stMich R3+86111
1stNicky Clarke3+86111
1stPhil Collinge3+86111
1stRay Wilding3+86111
1stRhys Benjamin3+86111
1stRobin M3+86111
1stRoger Vincent3+86111
1stRoss Allatt3+86111
1stRoss Jeffries3+86111
1stSam Prouse3+86111
1stSean D3+86111
1stSean Fletcher3+86111
1stStephen R3+86111
1stSteven Tew3+86111
1stSuzy Turner3+86111
1stTim Down3+86111
1stToby McDonald3+86111
1stTom Cappleman3+86111
1stTom Rowell3+86111
1stTony Atkins3+86111
1stTracey Mills3+86111
1stTricia Lockhart3+86111
1stZack K3+86111
75thIvan Dunt2+9011
75thJake Coventry-Peters2+9011
75thJonathan Wynn2+9011
75thPaul Jones2+9011
75thPiaras M Carney2+9011
75thSam Schmedlapp2+9011
75thSpike Nard2+9101
75thWilliam Bermudez2+9011
83rdHande Bitrim0+1000

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