Daily Duel results for 1 September 2012

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 97.
Maximum score: 5.
Team score: 5. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate6%77%46%53%47%
1stAdam Gillard5+10211111
1stDan McColm5+10211111
3rdAhmed M4+9701111
3rdBen Wilson4+9711011
3rdInnis Carson4+9701111
3rdJayne Wisniewski4+9701111
3rdJim B4+9701111
3rdJulie McCarthy4+9701111
3rdLiam Tiernan4+9701111
3rdMatt OC4+9701111
3rdMichelle N4+9701111
3rdMiriam Nussbaum4+9711101
3rdOli Moore4+9711110
3rdRob Foster4+9710111
16thAndrew Keith3+8401011
16thAnglo Italian3+8401101
16thBen Maggie3+8401011
16thChris Hare3+8401011
16thDavid Barnard3+8401011
16thEdwin Mead3+8401011
16thElliot Bowker3+8401101
16thEoin M3+8401101
16thGiles H3+8401101
16thHeather Styles3+8401101
16thIan Volante3+8401101
16thJames Hurrell3+8401110
16thJames Reeve3+8401011
16thJoe Denniss3+8401011
16thJohn Gillies3+8401101
16thJonathan Rawlinson3+8401011
16thJudith Young3+8401110
16thKaren Pearson3+8401011
16thKeith B3+8401110
16thMark James3+8401101
16thMatt Hamer3+8401110
16thMatthew Tassier3+8401110
16thNick Deller3+8401110
16thNikki Roberts3+8401110
16thPaul Sheppard3+8401101
16thRoss Allatt3+8401011
16thRyan Taylor3+8401110
16thScott Gillies3+8400111
16thStephen R3+8401101
16thTom Rowell3+8401011
16thTrevor MacEoin3+8400111
47thAndrew Swale2+5301010
47thCallum Carton2+5301100
47thDan Abrey2+5301100
47thFraser Allatt2+5301100
47thGerry Tynan2+5301100
47thGraeme Cole2+5300110
47thHorace Horlicks2+5301100
47thJamie French2+5301001
47thJason Turner2+5300011
47thJen Steadman2+5300011
47thJohn Slater2+5301010
47thJon Elmer2+5300110
47thJordan F2+5301001
47thLauren Hamer2+5301010
47thMarcus Hares2+5301010
47thMary Lauren2+5301001
47thMatt Conway2+5301001
47thMike Pickering2+5301100
47thNik Mak2+5301010
47thPeter Wolf2+5301100
47thSamir Pilica2+5301010
47thSimon Taylor2+5301001
47thTia Corkish2+5301010
47thTony Atkins2+5300110
47thZarte Siempre2+5300110
72ndAndy Christley1+2801000
72ndChris Butler1+2800001
72ndChris Marshall1+2801000
72ndHarry Newton1+2801000
72ndJake Saverson1+2800001
72ndJon Wells1+2801000
72ndKen Gibson1+2801000
72ndKirk Bevins1+2800010
72ndMark Tournoff1+2801000
72ndMatthew Brockwell1+2800100
72ndMir Tynan1+2801000
72ndNathan Cullen1+2800010
72ndNigel Mercer1+2801000
72ndPaul James1+2800010
72ndPaul Smith1+2801000
72ndPhil Collinge1+2801000
72ndPhilip Jarvis1+2800010
72ndRob Don1+2801000
72ndSid CC1+2801000
72ndThomas Carey1+2800001
72ndTom Bolland1+2801000
72ndTracey Mills1+2801000
95thCharles Spring0+500000
95thDave Smith0+500000
95thFiona H0+500000
95thIain Findlay0+500000
95thS J0+500000

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